
We feel that before hiring any Consultant or Attorney, you should be able to have an estimate of the costs of their representation and services, including fire expert trial witness, litigation, and code application services. You may be quoted a flat rate fee for the services, or an hourly rate. Most flat rate fees are based on an estimate of the time required to perform a particular service.

  • Forensics/Litigation Support-Testimony as Expert Witness at Deposition/Trial
    $325.00 per hour
  • Forensics/Litigation Support-Expert Consultation
    $325.00 per hour
  • Forensics Litigation Consultant
    $325.00 per hour
  • Building/Fire Codes and Standards Consultation-Technical Support
    $275.00 per hour
  • Code Application Conflict Resolution-Client Representation
    $325.00 per hour
  • Legal Representation*
    $325.00 per hour (Attorney at Law )

(209) 368-5229

Also Available

Remuneration Plus Expenses
In certain circumstances, Fire Design will accept remuneration plus expenses. This methodology may be negotiated between client and Fire Design.

Monthly Retainer
A three-month renewable monthly retainer contract is also available to the client in certain circumstances which may be tailored to meet both the needs of the client and Fire Design.